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A heart of local produce

Among the strong points of every corner of the District is food and wine

Extending over areas of limited urbanization and the maintenance of a strongly agricultural economy based on traditions, food and wine certainly dominates among the strengths of every corner of the District.

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This area is based on agriculture and old traditions and food and wine are its pride. In fact, these two are a great attraction and great business opportunities thanks also to the small and big companies which produce and distribute them, the restaurants which make the food well known and appreciated.

A symbol of the area, thanks also to the UNESCO award in 2014 to ‘Paesaggi Vitivinicoli’, is the wine. Barbera, Grignolino, Freisa and other native grape varieties with limited production are shipped from Monferrato to the whole world. Especially these varieties attract people who like local and unique wines. A few examples of these wines are the Ruche’ from Castagnole Monferrato, the Casorzo Malvasia, the Rubino from Cantavenna and many more. This area produces agricultural raw materials such as cereals, rice, forage, officinal herbs but also fresh fruit (asparagus, strawberries, apricots, apples …..) dry fruit (hazelnuts) not to mention the valuable white truffles which are loved by tourists and the locals.

Using the local cereals, we have different types of flour which result in a variety of breads as well as many pickled vegetables and different varieties of honey. The breeding of various animals produces excellent meat (one of the delicacies is the bollito misto ‘mixed boiled cuts of meat’), eggs, cheese (the Cocconato Robiola) and many cold cuts among which the very well known ‘muletta’. This area also offers lots of cakes and confectionery: the maize biscuits and the hazelnut cakes are just two examples. The distillation of the local herbs results in excellent ‘grappas’ and ‘amari’ liqueurs.