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A heart of landscape

Monferrato has as its first element of strength in the "Landscape".

Even before knowing the cuisine, the traditions, the products and many other references, Monferrato has as its first element of strength in the “Landscape”. Strengthened by Unesco recognition and aware of maintaining characteristics of strong spontaneity and variety (moreover, a short distance from highly urbanized areas), the area of the District “sells itself” first of all for how it appears.

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Before you taste its cuisine, and you get to know its traditions and history, what strikes you is the landscape. The district has been awarded with the UNESCO recognition. Gentle hills (Cocconato hill is 491m high and it is considered the Riviera of the Monferrato). It is a paradise for people who like to take pictures all year round with its farms, castles, church towers dotted among vineyards, woods, meadows and olive groves.

Near the Po and Tanaro rivers you can see ‘il mare a quadretti’ which are the rice fields giving you the impression of a sea with lots of squares in it. Biodiversity plays a big role in this part of Piemonte with the changing of the colour of the leaves in autumn and the blossoming of the different trees, flowers, and shrubs in spring. The Monferrato has also a great number of castles, towers, strongholds, and beautiful villas. 

Here people still remember the Aleramo’s legend. It is said he is the legendary knight who founded Monferrato in the medieval times riding his horse. We also have a ‘Bialbero della Felicita’  in Casorzo. It is a mulberry tree which has a cherry tree which was born and grew in its trunk spontaneously. We have beautiful roses, rice fields and lavender fields. In summer the ripe wheat fields and the sunflowers offer a great spectacle while in autumn the misty days are typical of the truffle hunt and wine harvest. Snow in winter creates inspiring landscapes. All the seasons offer a beautiful and magical spectacle.