The territory of the District can boast an artistic heritage of great facets
Thanks to a very effervescent past, contaminated by the influences of various peoples, styles and characters, the territory of the District can boast a multifaceted artistic and architectural heritage.
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Architecture and Art are full of history, and they are complex due to the different people who lived and ruled over the area during the centuries. The Romanesque style can be found in the north of Asti, and most churches have baroque styles.
Monferrato also gave birth to great artists such as Guglielmo Caccia called ‘Il Moncalvo’ and his daughters and Orsola Maddalena. Their paintings and those of the Moncalvo school can be found in churches. There are also beautiful palazzos which were owned and built by noble families which we can see even today. Moncalvo has still a façade of a synagogue and you can walk through an old part of the castle.
In Montemagno, you can admire the beautiful vaults of the ‘Scalea barocca’, in Castagnole Monferrato there is ‘la Miraja’ or the ‘infernot’ in Cella Monte where also there is a museum of the ‘pietra da cantoni” which is the local sandstone. If you love museums, you can visit the Moncalvo museum which offers masterpieces of famous artists and exhibitions. There is a museum also in the underground area of Castll’alfero. A museum dedicated to country life in Rosignano and the San Giacomo Museum in Lu and Cuccaro. An ethnographic museum in Coniolo and one in Viarigi where you find objects which were used in the past. We can go on mentioning the house and museum warehouse of Colombotto Rosso in Camino and Pontestura or Villa Maria, Angelo Morbelli’s house in Rosignano or the artist’s residence in Portacomaro. We should not forget to talk about the theatres, little jewels which attract lovers of the genre from far.